Mists of pandaria dungeon locations
Mists of pandaria dungeon locations

mists of pandaria dungeon locations

Ghost Iron Bars are turned into Jard’s Peculiar Energy Source by players with the Pandaria engineering skill, which are needed to craft the Sky Golem. The majority of Ghost Iron Ore economy is funneled into making Sky Golem mounts. It is always in high demand despite the fact that it’s old content because of the many things that require it in order to be crafted. Ghost Iron Ore is the most common ore in Pandaria.

mists of pandaria dungeon locations

The rich version of an ore node will look larger than the standard versions. There are also rich ore nodes, which will give you a larger amount of that type of ore when mined.

mists of pandaria dungeon locations

When you mine them, you’ll be able to collect the ore. You’ll find ore nodes throughout Pandaria. There are four types of ore you can mine with the Pandaria Mining skill. You’ll have to come back at max level to be able to train Smelt Trillium. You’ll be able to buy every skill except for Smelt Trillium without increasing your skill level. The Pandaria Mining trainers will teach you in both Mining and Smelting skills for Pandarian ores. Smeltmaster Ashpaw will teach both Alliance and Horde characters Pandaria Mining skills. The Neutral Pandaria Mining trainer, Smeltmaster Ashpaw, is located in Greenstone Quarry in The Jade Forest, at the coordinates 46.07, 29.4. Stonebreaker Ruian will only teach Horde players Pandaria Mining skills. The Horde Pandaria Mining trainer, Stonebreaker Ruian, is located in Honeydew village in The Jade Forest, at the coordinates 27.82, 14.83. Rockseeker Guo will only teach Alliance players Pandaria Mining skills. The Alliance Pandaria Mining trainer, Rockseeker Guo, is located in Paw’don Village in The Jade Forest, at the coordinates 44.97, 85.9. Alliance Pandaria Mining Trainer Location There are actually three Pandaria Mining Trainers - one in Paw’don Village for the Alliance, one in Honeydew Village for the Horde, and one in the Greenstone Quarry that will teach Pandaria Mining to both factions. When players get to Pandaria, it can be difficult to find the Pandaria Mining trainer.

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  • Mists of pandaria dungeon locations